SBM Digital Citizen FAQ's

For any reason whilst you were busy creating your account and could not verify your account with the verification code, please follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Saldanha Bay Municipality App
  2. Your app will open on the Let’s get you verified page.
  3. The verification code has now been sent to you either via SMS or Email
  4. Enter the verification code and then click on Submit
    (Should the verification code not be received within a minute, please click on Resend Code)
  5. You’ll be directed to the Home Page
  1. Click on the Forgot your password? text
  2. Now type either your email address or mobile number (the one you used to create your account)
  3. Then click on Send Code
  4. You’ll now need to enter the verification code
    (Should the verification not be delivered, you can click on Resend Code)
  5. Now type in a new password, and then confirm your password
  6. Then click on Submit
  7. Your password has now been updated and you’re ready to Sign In

When using the Saldanha Bay Municipality App you can create Connections. These Connections can currently be used as your emergency contacts or you can transact directly to your connections using the wallet. 

  1. Sign into the Saldanha Bay Municipality
  2. Click on your Profile icon (located at the top right corner)
  3. Select the My Connections button
  4. Click on the Add New Connection button
  5. Type in the email address of the person you want to add as a connection
    (You can also at this step decide to add this person as your Emergency Contact)
  6. Click on the Add Connection button

If the person already has an account they will receive a push notification on their app that they have a connection request from you.

If the person doesn’t have an account, they will receive an email informing them that you would like them to download the app and be added as their connection.

You will now see your connection with a pending status under the Requests tab. Once the person accepts your connection request they will appear under the Mine tab.


  1. Sign into the Saldanha Bay Municipality
  2. Click on the envelope from the bottom tab bar
  3. Click on the All Notifications tile
  4. Select the Kebab menu (three dots)
  5. Choose the Show Unread option from the list
  6. Go back to the kebab menu and choose the select option from the list
  7. A selector is now visible next to each message. Select the relevant messages 
  8. In the bottom right corner, select the Mark as read option from the list

The messages have now been successfully marked as read.

Please Note the same steps can be followed to mark all messages as read, simply choose the Select All option from the kebab menu.

  1. Sign into the Saldanha Bay Municipality
  2. Click on the envelope from the bottom tab bar
  3. Select the relative channel under the community heading
  4. Select the Kebab menu (three dots)
  5. Choose the Show Unread option from the list
  6. Go back to the kebab menu and choose the select option from the list
  7. A selector is now visible next to each message. Select the relevant messages 
  8. In the bottom right corner, select the Mark as read option from the list

The messages have now been successfully marked as read.

Please Note the same steps can be followed to mark all messages as read, simply choose the Select All option from the kebab menu.

The Help Desk is used by citizens in order to quickly log a query, incident or provide some feedback or a suggestion to their Municipality using the Saldanha Bay Municipality

Users can log requests, view the status of their request and see any activity on that request in real-time.

  1. Click on the Help Desk tile
  2. Now click on the Add New Request button
  3. Fill in the form by completing all fields
  4. Add any files or images to your request by clicking on the Upload File button. 
  5. Once done click on the Submit button

Your app will now direct you to the Help Desk page with a summarised view of your request.

Each owner should link their profile to their property via an ownership. The ownership request will be submitted to SBM for final approval. Thereafter the owner will view additional tiles within the SBM App.

  1. On your homepage click on the My properties tile
  2. Click on the Add Property button
  3. Click on the I’m an Owner
  4. A form will now appear that you need to complete
    1. First select your town
    2. Then select your ward (which is relative to the town you selected)
    3. Lastly select your property (which is relative to the ward you selected)
    4. Fill in your ID Number
    5. Fill in your Municipal Account Number
    6. Upload the Supporting Documents
  5. Then click on the Submit Request button
  6. Your request has been sent to the Municipality for approval.
  7. Once your request has been approved you’ll see a property details card.

Each tenant should link their profile to their property via a Lease. The Tenant request will be submitted to SBM for final approval. Thereafter the tenant will view additional tiles within the SBM App.

  1. On your homepage click on the My properties tile
  2. Click on the Add Property button
  3. Click on the I’m a Tenant
  4. A form will now appear that you need to complete
    1. First select your town
    2. Then select your ward (which is relative to the town you selected)
    3. Lastly select your property (which is relative to the ward you selected)
    4. Fill in your ID Number
    5. Upload the Supporting Documents
  5. Then click on the Submit Request button
  6. Your request has been sent to the Municipality for approval.
  7. Once your request has been approved you’ll see a property details card.

SBM Digital Citizen How To Videos

How to log a Help Desk request
How to purchase Airtime & Bundles
How to delete your account
How to add your property as a tenant
How to add funds to your wallet
How to mark messages as read
How to change your notification preferences
How to add a connection
How to add your property as an owner